About Us

Our mission

To contribute to the evolution of humanity by:

  • Providing direct access to the scientists, science, and scientific studies shaping the world of healthcare today.
  • And focusing our attention on natural healthcare solutions where possible.

Our vision

We envision an accessible world where it is safe to explore a wide contrast of topics in the pursuit of greater health for ourselves and our communities.

How we’re different

Our position

We measure the quality of our work by how well it helps people, not by how much profit it will make us.

Our reporting

In order to provide direct access to reliable journalism that empowers the reader:

  • We find verified sources of information through a peer-reviewed publications.
  • We share information from verified sources.
  • We discourage others from sharing information from unverified sources.
  • We not not accept any form of compensation from pharmaceutical corporations.

Our interviews

In order to provide direct access to the thought leaders shaping the world and making the newest discoveries:

  • We create original interviews.
  • We share interviews.

Our series

In order to provide direct access to the leading educational conferences seldom found in mainstream circles:

  • We create original series.
  • We share series.

Our values

Our values are the foundation of everything we do and create.


If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it, as the old saying goes. We collect, combine, and share scientific data.

Transparent sources

Science evolves through transparent trust. We share scientific data with transparent sources.

Data driven conversations

Science evolves through sharing. We make the data and sources we collect more accessible, and easy to discuss by translating technical language into common language as well as info-graphics, when possible.